2022 has been a challenging year in many ways. We really appreciate that you have faithfully supported and trusted us. For this, we thank you wholeheartedly and wish you a happy holiday season as well as a prosperous 2023.

From 26.12.2022 to 01.01.2023 visuSolution GmbH will be closed.
For urgent issues, you can contact us via our service hotline from 9 am – 5 pm. If you should be unable to reach us directly by telephone, please send us an e-mail to hotline@visusolution.com with your callback request or use our contact form on our homepage contact-visusolution. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Please note our latest delivery date on 20.12.2022 for your orders this year.
Stay healthy and confident!
Best regards
Your visuSolution Team