Benefits of Digital Dispensing

Dispensing process becoming more precise, personal and more enjoyable

Buying a pair of eyeglasses can be a complex, puzzling, and even frustrating experience for many consumers. The process is often fraught with uncertainty, with consumers asking dispensers questions such as “Do these glasses look good on me?” “Can you get them to fit me more comfortably?” “Will these new lenses really help me see better?” and “Am I getting my money’s worth?”

Fortunately, a new generation of eyewear dispensing technology is helping eyecare professionals allay their customers’ concerns by making the dispensing process more precise, personal, and ultimately, more enjoyable.

Digital dispensing gives a totally individual viewing experience

The new technologies—like those offered by our company—range from cutting-edge dispensing systems that take digital photographs and measurements to simple hand tools. What they have in common is the ability to precisely capture patient measurements, including how the frame fits the patient and the position in which it is worn.
Combining this biometric data with the patient’s prescription and a digital lens design enables the optical laboratory to produce one-of-a-kind lenses that optimizes the performance of the lens and gives the wearer a totally personalized viewing experience.Another plus of using the visuReal system in your optical dispensary is that it impresses customers, especially when they see other patients being measured. It is common that patients who see an ECP using the equipment say “Why don’t you use that machine on me?”

Wow experience for the customer

Along with the “wow” reaction these lenses typically elicit from wearers, patients are often favorably impressed with the high tech look and feel of the dispensing system itself and well as with useful features such as taking digital photos of consumers trying on their new eyewear and then emailing them the photos or demonstrating premium lens options.
Interviews with several ECPs reveal that using new technologies, like the visuReal Master, are boosting sales of premium lenses, reducing reworks, and creating a unique patient experience that can’t be duplicated by an online, virtual dispensary.
Below are some of the benefits that come implicitly in a visuReal digital centration system:

Precision and accuracy are enhanced. Any of the visuReal equipment can deliver a precision of a tenth of a millimeter, which is more precise by a factor of five than a common digital-readout pupillometer.
Improved repeatability. In many busy offices, there are multiple employees of varying skill levels. The measurements taken from a digital centration system reduce the variations between operators as well as between successive measurements by a single operator.
Easy obtention of “position-of-wear” measurements. The advent of wrap-around eyewear, as well as position of wear enhanced single vision and progressive lenses, require that ECPs obtain good values not only for PD (pupil distance) and pupil height but also for vertex distance, pantoscopic tilt, and panoramic (aka face-form) angle. The visuReal digital centration systems can easily obtain these values via digital pictures.
Advanced interfacing with practice management systems. If the ECP employs an advanced PMS, linking it to the visuReal equipment will allow to efficiently transfer the patient’s eyeglasses measurements data at the push of a button. Making both the dispensary and lab better partners in the visual performance delivered to the patient.

ECPs often view the price of equipment upgrades as hard costs that drop to their bottom line rather than helping to keep their business at the top of its game. Particularly with the latest technology, both hardware and software evolve at breakneck speed, and there can be a tendency to wait for that next big upgrade. So, it is no longer an option to sit back and just look forward to the day your lease payment ends. Today, more than ever, keeping the latest tech in your practice is the only way to ensure you are ready, willing, and able to compete in the most intense and cutthroat optical market.

It’s time to decide. It’s time to go digital and visuSolution is here to help you.

For more information or to address specific inquiries regarding our visuReal digital centration systems, please feel free to contact us.

„From now we have first customers using the VisuReal Master and they absolutely love it! They confirm it is faster, images are perfect and it’s simple. From my side I really appreciate that you still improve it. Boxing system is perfect and I am looking forward when we will know statistics of using.“
New Media Trainer, Hoya Lens CZ